As most of us are aware that as soon as we have completed our studies ,90% of the students have one main motto is to get a job.
3 main points that a student must have to get a job in this 21st century.
- He/she should have fundamental knowledge in any particular field.
- He/she should be a well presenter and communicator (especially English)
- He/she should be a well written resume /well formatted resume according to his skills

Most important point that every one should keep in mind is that irrespective of technical expertise and irrespective of years of experience he/she holds.They should have a well written or well formatted resume
As “Resume is the virtual face of the candidate” because resume is the only weapon that is visible to the hiring manager or Recruiter which represents yourself virtually to the hiring manager whatever might be your original characteristics.
No Hiring manager/recruiter spends more than 5 seconds on a particular resume , as there should be some difference in projecting our skills on the resume in a proper manner there comes the term resume formatting
General rules of resume formatting :
- Fonts to use : Arial or Calibri or Times New Roman
- Size : ranges from 10 to 11.5
- Margin: should be 1 cm
Mainly resume should be highlighted/focused with main skills/tools that a candidate possess.
Always try to fit the resume content size in to 3 pages
Main sections of a Resume
- Personal details (Name , mobile number, email )
- Professional summary /objective
- Technical skills
- Certifications
- Education details
- Professional Experience
- Achievements
As there are many other section according to your preference but above mentioned are the basic sections of a resume
Microsoft word is the primary tool which is use for resume formatting i.e to change font of the document , size of the document or to insert tables and many more.
If you find a resume which is in the PDF format PDF2DOC is the best online tool convert PDF files to documents without any loss of content in the file
Step by step to format the word resume in MS word :
Step 1: Open the word document in the MS WORD just by a simple double click.
Step 2: Press CTRL+A (which selects the whole document)
Step 3 : To change the font of the document Press CTRL+D
Select Font form the dialog box set it to calibri or Arial or Times new Roman according and then select size to 10 or 11 then select OK which is at the bottom of the dialog box which changes the font and size of the document .
NOTE : Before performing this action need to select the whole document or select the preferred area of the document which you need changes in the font and size
Step 4 : In order to have the even spacing between the lines in the document Press CTRL+A (which selects the whole document)
Click on the Home menu in the word menu bar then click on the small pin like point under paragraph section.
Then soon after clicking on the small pin like point under paragraph section , then a popup dialog box raises up as shown below:
Makes the changes as shown in the image .Make sure to check the box which is pointed by arrow in the image.
As this is not the final product you will be getting but lot more changes to do but these are basic resume formatting steps.
Online resume makers :
Always make sure to prepare a simple and readable resume with explains your personal and professional traits.Happy Resuming, Try to comment your opinions on this topic .