Certifications will add value to your skillset if and only if you learn something out of that so, don’t take certification for the sake of putting it on your resume or LinkedIn
Learn and built your skillset.
There are many Recruitment certifications available in the market but we have chosen the most popular 4 Recruitment Certifications Online which are Free
[ Free ] 4 Recruitment Certifications Online
- Rank Sheet
- Hirist
- DevSkiller
- Recruut
Rank Sheet
Introduction :
RankSheet is a company based in India which has been in the field of providing free online exams and certifications since August 2008.
RankSheet is a 100% free online exam, certification and job portal.
Name of the Certification :
Core Recruitment Online Exam
Topics Covered in the Certification :

- Recruitment life-cycle
- Hiring methods
- Hiring process
- Hiring terminology
- Hiring standards
- Interview process
- Recruiter skills
Certification Link :

Introduction :
A platform that helps job seekers connect with their dream job.
They have connected with over 200,000 job seekers already.
Name of the Certification :
Hirist Tech Recruiter Certification
Duration of the Certification :
2 hours long
Why hirist.com tech recruiter certification?
- Course Purpose
- Recruitment Redefined
- Deep-dive
Certification Link :

Introduction :
DevSkiller is a tech sourcing, screening, and skill mapping platform powered by RealLifeTesting. Recruit the right developers and boost your hiring results
Name of the Certification :
Free Tech Recruitment Certification Course
Topics Covered in the Certification :
StackOver Flow Recruitment
Githhub Recruitment
LinkedIn Recruitment
DevSkiller provides 2 E-book to go before taking the certification
Certification Link :

Recruut is a thriving community of recruiters working closely together. Our intent is not to challenge the status quo of Job Boards, rather it is to provide an alternative. An alternative that is simple to use, yet way more effective than traditional sourcing.
Name of the Certification :
Recruut Certified Recruiter Program
Certification Link :